November 20, 2023- ProxCP v 1.7 license bypass! - CHANGELOG


ProxCP was built with performance and scalability in mind. Our asynchronous control panel uses Web Sockets to communicate with Proxmox nodes in realtime.


All user-focused features of Proxmox are included in ProxCP. This includes backups, firewall, rebuilds, network management, and much more.


All sensitive information is protected using strong industry-standard methods. Encrypted communications are enforced over HTTPS connections.

Built For Hosting Providers And End-Users

Provide your customers with a simple Proxmox control panel

Proxmox is free, open source virtualization. ProxCP is a now also free VPS hosting solution with simple installation. The best of both worlds.

ProxCP operates alongside the reliable Proxmox Virtual Environment to run KVM and LXC virtual machines. ProxCP adds additional features to the many options Proxmox already offers and provides a user-friendly web GUI for your customers - something Proxmox lacks out of the box.